Hi, I'm Maria Claydon. Completed Projects during my coding journey

My Top Projects

Technologies used: Python; Javascript; Django; React; HTML; CSS; Javascript; Github; Heroku.

Technologies used: DRF | React | HTML | CSS

The capstone group project for She Codes Plus. We delivered a fullstack app to solve a client problem: display participant feedback from She Codes events in an online WinWall. Features included: QR codes for attendees to post feedback on a live feed. WinWalls categorised as collections and individual events. The ability to post anonymously or with a user account. Different levels of authentication and permissions. Superusers able to export user and feedback data as a csv file.

Technologies used: Python

Python, Weather Project Assignment 1 for She Codes Plus 2021 Perth cohort: converting unreadable weather data into a human readable format. Ensuring the solution passes testing.

Technologies used: HTML | CSS | Javascript

This website is what you are now viewing and was built as part of a Personal Portfolio Project and was our second assignment for the She Codes Plus 2021 Perth cohort. I have added interactive features including a light and a dark mode and functional forms with ReCaptcha security to prevent spam. The forms have a personal redirect page. A section for a bio which includes a link to download my resume. A blog, these projects and a 404 page.

Technologies used: Django | HTML | CSS | Javascript

This project was a She Codes News clone and was our third assignment for the She Codes Plus 2021 Perth cohort. Users could create user accounts and signin to submit news stories. They could edit their profile and stories and delete their stories. The stories were organised by categories.

Technologies used: DRF | React | HTML | CSS

This project was a Crowdfunding project and integrated the backend with Django Rest Framework and the frontend with React. The goal of this project was for the LGBT+ community to be able to request time from the community to help them with peer support and career support.

Other Projects and Work

In addition to the She Codes Plus projects I have used various online resources to complete more projects.

Django Tutorial

Technologies used: Django

emoji app project

Django tutorial project

Unmotivational Quote Generator

Technologies used: Javascript | HTML | CSS

Quote Generator project

Click on the button to get a randomly generated unmotivational quote

Rock Paper Scissors Spock

Technologies used: Javascript | HTML | CSS

emoji app project

In progress project for the popular Rock Paper Scissors Spock Game from the TV show The Big Bang Theory

Scrabble Board

Technologies used: HTML | CSS | Javascript

emoji app project

In this project I styled a Scrabble board with a Javascript for loop

My Favourite Things Emoji Generator

Technologies used: HTML | CSS | Javascript

emoji app project

Start with my 3 favourite and then add and remove emojis from the beginnig and end. Delete the emojis by one or all

Pacman Clone

Technologies used: HTML | CSS | Javascript

pacman image

Clone of Pacman

Google Chrome Extension

Technologies used: HTML | CSS | Javascript

chrome extension

Chrome Extension. Save notes or tabs and delete them.

GitHub Team Collaboration | Contact Card

Technologies used: HTML | CSS

group project contact card

When I was teaching myself to code I found some more aspiring developers and we joined forces to work on our first group project. We created a group contact card to get some practice working as a team and using Github.

Rock Paper Scissors

Technologies used: HTML

rock paper scissors project contact card

A Rock, Paper Scissors game created with HTML.

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